Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Either kill or be killed

Hey everyone :)

I was asked to write these entries (yes, there gonna be more, yay!) so here is one of them. I’m sorry but they’re going to be big and wordy 

Actually last week was difficult and this one is even more difficult because of all final projects or presentations.  It was hard to think up work in one week, to realize how it will look and then to embody it on the paper/in the photo/on something else. But we are cool and we will do everything we need )

Honestly, I am not absolutely sure about what the Funk group is doing though I consider that they will have something cool. I was more busy in other group and thought over the works for the book. For a long time I wasn't sure what I will do and how. What I originally wanted to add to the book and what could well be attributed to the category of «sense of place» as a result did not come to the idea of ​​the book. I had to rethink everything again and do this as soon as possible. After all there was not even a week and after rethinking you still need your ideas come to life. Anyway, but less than in 3 days I knew exactly what I want to put in the book. Another day to rest and on the weekends I got to work on my images. For those who suddenly does not know yet or do not remember the idea of ​​the book, I will tell a little bit about it. Since in our group a lot of participants were from different countries ( I would even say that all the participants were from the different countries), we decided to talk about our feelings and thoughts after arriving in San Francisco from our homes and cities, what it is like to be in another city ​​and studying in a new place. Each participant had two pages where they could put their work. So, by Sunday evening I was tired and exhausted, angry as hell (haha), because I couldn’t edit one of my images as I wanted. But I did it! I must say that while I was working in Photoshop my computer started to freeze and by the end he began to perform wild dances and songs saying "I don’t wanna work anymore!" He turned off once and closed a couple of times Photoshop with my unsaved work, but okay, I endured that and, as already said, finished work. Unfortunately, my computer did not spare me and didn't send email with photos. I found out this on the next Monday morning from Esther. Problems are surely like me :) My second email with pictures came too late, just at the time of printing. Thus, the only thing I could do for a book was a cover design...

Well, this is how my first week of the projects went. I decided to post my pics here so Amy and Laura would see what I wanted to put in the book

p.s. Sorry for grammar or any other mistakes :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

ATLANTEANS : Citizens of the World

ATLANTEANS : Citizens of the World
Esther and Asa did design&print today. According to a email sent from Esther, she's going to bind this book on Tuesday. I hope she continue to print for people who submit their files later than the due date.

Binding.........waiting for permission

My Title

           Ya, so this mother is totally getting turned out. We've got crews of people working in different groups brain storming the most affective storm to come your way. Many of us went to the The Berkley Art Museum to peep game on some of the space as well as the material we have to work with. Being given such a variety of stuff, we can expect something strange and unusual to come out of this mother. BAM!!!!! Shit just got real.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

STRATEGO: The Big Bang

Proposal for The Something at the Berkeley Art Museum

Proposal for The Something at the The Berkeley Art Museum
SFAI Contemporary Practice Class
Collaborative Installation
April 2014

Working Title: The Mothership

This collaborative project focuses on concepts of place, particularly the Bay Area as a generative conduit for culture, music, technology, artistic process and exploration.  We are inspired by the materiality of The Something and its focus on experimentation, viewer participation, music, moving imagery, and shiny things.  At the same time, we are interested in culling inspiration from the Funk Art movement whose moniker was coined by Peter Selz at the Berkeley Art Museum in 1967.  Funk artists too were interested in found and everyday objects, a transgressive sense of humor, experimentation, and audience participation.  Funk as “an assault on one’s senses”[1] speaks to how we collectively might consider place and our experiences with dis/placement and re/placement as we come together in our first semester at SFAI. Participants come from different places, cultures, and backgrounds and are coming together and contributing to the collaboration with various interests, experiences and skill sets.

We have two different threads of exploration.  One thread will culminate with a book created through an exchange system amongst class members (hopefully printed through Hexagon Press).  Through various strategies including some Fluxus ideas of chance and game-playing, participants will ask each other questions regarding a sense of place and interrogating the process of collaboration itself.  The book and perhaps an accompanying diaristic blog and/or website will take form through this call and response. The other thread finds form in a sculptural installation that will incorporate the materials that already exist within The Something’s installation as well as a number of found objects supplied by SFAI participants.  We will also incorporate videos related to the ideas of  process and of journey, the journey of getting from the San Francisco Art Institute to the Berkeley Art Museum, of getting from each participant's current home to SFAI and even the path that brought participants from their former homes to SFAI and the Bay Area.  The journey and progression of making the installation itself will also be documented and incorporated in some way.  Both projects will exist within the space that has been allotted to us by The Something and the book will be available for viewers to take.

It is important for participants to communicate their deepening understandings of a sense of place from their experiences before arriving in the Bay Area to their shifting understandings of place within their first semester of artistic exploration at the San Francisco Art Institute. Participant's  sense of place also responds and reflects the expansive ideas generated by The Something  as well as the institutional frame and legacy of the Berkeley Art Museum and the Bay Area itself.