~What is a mother? I mean what does it really mean to be a mother? Is it to give birth to something? Maybe to take care of someone else's something can make you a mother. Did all the whimpering crocodilians think of Steve Erwin as there mother? I think so. Maybe to bear a relation like that of a mother, as in being the origin, source, or protector. If that's so, then we are all the Mother in this amazing collaboration. The Creators, the Originators, the Protectors, the SOURCE. We are the artistic life line flowing through the random material given to us by the world around us. Without us the material is just dead, lifeless, and dirt. Stepped on and ignored was the material until an artist, a creator, a mother, comes by and puts life into it. Its not hard to put life into something. All it takes is a positive touch, maybe even a negative touch. Depending on how you want your child to come out, your touch will be crucial to your work of art. Move forward with it, take your art to experimental level, have fun, and be happy. What you put into your child is what you get out.
~Here is 54 different kinds of ways your child can come out: Great, marvelous, positive, satisfactory, valuable, wonderful, happy, satisfied, superb, nice, pleasing, rad, prime, gnarly, gratifying, agreeable, disagreeable, expected, inferior, insignificant, OK, ordinary, poor, unacceptable, unhelpful, unimportant, unnoteworthy, unsatisfactory, worthless, minor, detestable, evil, fake, forged, immoral, inadequate, incompetent, inconsequential, mean, misbehaving, noxious, intoxicated, rotten, sinful, tainted, unpleasant, unreal, unreliable, unskilled, unsuitable, unvirtuous, vicious, vile, wicked.
~Here are those words in french: Grande, merveilleux, positif, satisfaisant, précieux, merveilleux, heureux, satisfait, superbe, gentil, agréable, rad, premier, noueux, gratifiant, agréable, désagréable, prévu, inférieur, insignifiant, OK, ordinaire, pauvre, inacceptable, inutile, sans importance, unnoteworthy, insatisfaisante, sans valeur, mineur, détestable, mal, faux, faux, immoral, inadéquat, incompétent, sans conséquence, moyenne, mauvaise conduite, nuisible, ivre, pourri, pécheur, contaminé, désagréable, irréel, fiable, non qualifié, ne convient pas, non-vertueux, vicieux, vil, méchant.
~Here they are in Arabic: عظيم، رائع، إيجابية ومرضية، قيمة، رائع، سعيدة، راضية، رائعة، جميلة، والسرور، راد، رئيس الوزراء، نرلي، مما يثلج الصدر، مقبولة، طيفين، يتوقع، أقل شأنا، تافهة، OK، العاديين والفقراء وغير مقبول وغير مفيد، غير مهم، unnoteworthy، غير مرضية، لا قيمة لها، قاصر، مقيت، والشر، وهمية، مزورة وغير أخلاقي، غير كافية، غير كفء، غير منطقي، يعني، الفاسقة، الضارة، مخمورا، الفاسد، خاطئين، الملوث، غير سارة، غير واقعي، لا يمكن الاعتماد عليها، غير المهرة، وغير مناسب، unvirtuous، مفرغة، حقير، الأشرار.
~Here they are in spanish: Genial, maravilloso, positivo, satisfactorio, valioso, maravilloso, feliz, satisfecho, magnífico, bonito, agradable, rad, prima, gnarly, gratificante, agradable, desagradable, que se espera, inferior, insignificante, OK, ordinario, pobre, inaceptable, inútil, sin importancia, unnoteworthy, insatisfactoria, sin valor, menor de edad, detestable, mal, falso, falso, inmoral, inadecuado, incompetente, intrascendente, medio, mal comportamiento, nocivos, intoxicado, podrido, pecaminoso, manchado, desagradable, irreal, poco fiable, no calificada, inadecuado, no virtuoso, vicioso, vil, malvado.
What you think while creating your work is how it turns out. All that we are is a product of what we have thought. Pick and choose the words you like and think about them throughout your creative process. Watch how your child mirrors the thoughts you create.
Nathan, you inspire me!